Monday, November 1, 2010

AHSTARC : On Egyptian Architecture

Compared to the previous periods in the history of architecture, the Egyptian period was indeed more blessed when it comes to resources around them. Materials such as timber, stone, papyrus, clay and fibre were readily available for them resulting to such matured art and architecture.  Stone started to replace mud as a primary material for building. It is amazing that they were able to come up with ways on how to balance stability and aesthetics well. An element of architecture that was evident in Egyptian architecture was the use of pillars which are still used today.
Egyptian Architecture portrayed great respect for religion, culture and their leaders. Since the Ancient Egyptians had strong belief in after-life, lasting Tombs and pyramids were built to preserve and honor their kings or pharaohs. Egyptians didn’t just bury the dead but they built monuments and tombs to make sure the bodies were safe which is still practiced until now. Temples were intricately built for cult practices and worship. Their beliefs and philosophies were strongly translated in their architecture and were put to life through their structures.  What amazes me the most about Egyptian Architecture is how they were able to construct structures in a way that these were able to withstand hundreds of centuries having some still stand to this day. They understood the proper use of materials and thought of ways to create very stable monumental structures which is reflected in the pyramids. I liked how they carved art; hieroglyphics and drawings into walls that told stories and probably helped the generations after them discover and learn about their grand civilization.
What is nice about the Egyptian Structures is that you will automatically feel the hard work Egyptians put into it just by looking at them. The Egyptian left a mark on history through their structures; the ones that still remain are indeed transcendent; wowing people generations after generations.


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